Research Areas

Within the Condensed Matter Group, there are two main areas of research, brought together by the common interest of superconductivity.

The Strongly Correlated Electrons group perform measurements on a range of superconducting and magnetic materials, using x-ray scattering, neutron scattering, nuclear magnetic resonance and muon spin rotation. As an example, the superconductor vortex lattice is a state formed by flux lines threading through the bulk of the superconductor under certain magnetic conditions. This vortex lattice is imaged using a bulk probe diffraction technique (small angle neutron scattering) and a probe of the local field (Muon Spin rotation). Information about distortions and symmetries of the lattice as a function of field, temperature, and sample purity are measured for both conventional elemental superconductors and more novel, compound materials.

The Quantum Device group fabricates micron and sub-micron sized devices to investigate fundamental aspects of superconductivity on the small scale, and to explore possible applications of superconducting circuit elements. The group's current focus is on the coupling of microwave resonant circuits to nanomechanical resonators and the factors which limit their performance.

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